Puzzle No. 115 : (Two-pa)^2

Happy Fools’ day folks! Hope you enjoyed my little inversion series. 🙂 I believe this will be the last such post for now. I’ll get back to normal puzzles tomorrow mostly(or maybe take a break tomorrow for other things and get back on 3rd).

For those following my CTC exploits, I believe I can finally officially confirm it(I’m banking on nothing happening in the last half an hour or so, that would be cruel 😛 ) that I have finally, and I mean FINALLY topped the CTC timings for a day. 30th March was the day.

See regular Tapa rules.

1. This puzzle has exactly 2 solutions. In each solution, every clue must behave at least a little bit differently. This means, in a multi-digit clue, some of the digits can have the same behavior, but not all. The uniqueness of this puzzle lies in getting both the solutions simultaneously.

2. Draw two separate walls in each case, not touching each other(diagonal touching allowed).  The walls can be of any length, but there must be exactly 2.

Rated : Medium.

Solution here. Password – TPS.


Puzzle No. 115

Puzzle No. 113 : Two-pa-part-two

Follow regular Tapa Rules. Draw two separate walls, not touching each other. I’m sure this has potential to be a nice variant, but I just made it up in the last 1 minute for the sake of it.

Edit : The bold part is added later. There’s already been a variant called Double Tapa, but I didn’t remember it while making this coz of the no touching rule, and I was silly enough to omit that from the rules here too. Thats what happens when I’m bored :\ Apologies.

Rated : I’m-bored-right-now-and-I-swear-I’m-gonna-put-a-better-puzzle-up-later-today-easy.

Solution here. Password – TP2


Puzzle No. 113

Puzzle No. 111 : Two-pa

I did say I’d have two puzzles up today didn’t I? 😉 Nah, just kidding, I’ll have another one up in 4-5 hours I think, possibly later, but surely by the end of the day.

Anyway, Follow regular Tapa rules.

This puzzle has 2 solutions. The same clues cannot have the same behavior in both solutions. In multiple digit clue cells, it can be similar, for example the “3” of a “3-1” clue can be placed the same way, but at least the “1” will have to be different then.  The uniqueness of this puzzle lies in the fact that you get exactly one solution for each set of behaviors for the clues. As such, I’ve provided 2 different grids for solving.

Rated : Easy-ish.

Solution here. Password – TP


Puzzle No. 111

Puzzle No. 100 : The Great Wall of Puzzlania?

Yea I suck at titles.

Anyway, this is a triple decker puzzle(to signify going into 3 digits and all I suppose). A 10×10 LITS is embedded in a hollow 20×20 Tapa which is in turn embedded in a hollow 30×30 Nurikabe.

The regular Rules :

Each partition follows the respective rules.

1. LITS.

2. Tapa. As in my earlier Tapas, the “=-=” clue means both clues are the same number.

3. Nurikabe.

Combined Rules :

1. There is no LITS logic outside the 10×10.

2. Tapa clues include Nurikabe and LITS parts of the grid as well in their application.

3. Nurikabe islands can travel into the inside grids as necessary, and can even contain Tapa clue cells in them, which will also be counted as 1 cell in the island count. There can still be white cells that are not islands as long as they don’t travel into the Nurikabe grid.

4. Draw a continuous wall considering all the rules.

A note : The 42 can only go as far as is necessary from the givens.

Rated : Marathon.

Solution here. Password – GW


Puzzle No. 100

Puzzle No. 86 & 87 : Best thing since sliced bread.

Tomorrow, I am planning to get a few things done that I’ve had to put off for a while now(not puzzle-related). So, I’m almost certain I won’t be able to upload a puzzle tomorrow. Hence, 2 in 1 today. It feels nice to have had a good little idea for what the 2 would be and then to have properly executed it. 🙂

Since both of these have the same rating, I’ll add it at the start.

Rated : Medium. 

Solutions here. Password – SB


Puzzle No. 86 :

Sliced Bread Tapa.

Follow regular Tapa rules.

The clues are sliced up like your everyday bread loaves. In every clue cell, one of the clues is true and the other clue is false. You have to determine which is which. The false clue has to be replaced by any non-zero Tapa clue/clues to give you the complete function of the clue cell.

Puzzle No. 86












Puzzle No. 87 :

Now, obviously, this is literally the best thing since sliced bread. In my opinion, this puzzle also displays what is truly the best thing since sliced bread. 😀

Rules for LITS.

Puzzle No. 62-82 : My birthday puzzles!

Because, even though I’m gonna be stuck in college on my birthday, doesn’t mean all of you shouldn’t enjoy yourselves. The regular readers of this blog will know, I’ve been struggling to even put up a single puzzle on most days. So in preparing this, obviously most would be easy, and some of them may even fall under the category of “Evil Zingers”. However, I do think quite a few of them are fun, and the last one is probably one of my best. Heh, anyway, you decide.

This set features my first attempt at a Liar Loop, and a non-variant Slalom. 🙂

Birthday Puzzles

Birthday Puzzles Solutions

That should do for today’s puzzle post I suppose. Enjoy!

Update : Apparently the PDF is crashing for some people. The error is for some reason that it requires a Japanese Fonts plug in. For what its worth, I downloaded the same and its completely fine. But of course, you may want an alternative, so I’m uploading just the PNG formats of all puzzles in the rar file, with a txt file for the rules and descriptions. The solutions PDF is fine I suppose.


Hope that fixes any issues. 🙂

Puzzle No. 55 : Tapa-Nurikabe Hybrid.

TVC X this weekend. IB and Submission link here.

So, I’m in a mad hurry.

Rules for Nurikabe, Rules for Tapa.

Rules for the hybrid :

The numbers are clues for both. They signify how many cells around them are shaded as in a Tapa, and the sum of the numbers in the clue cell indicates the Nurikabe clue. e.g. A single “4” is a 4 cell Island, and a “3-3” is a six cell island. The places where there’s “?”s though, it can be any size island with any number of shaded cells around it. A “?” is minimum = “1”. e.g. the same “?-?” can be a “3-2” Tapa clue and a “1+1=2” Nurikabe clue. No similarity restrictions as for numbered clues.

That should be all.
Rated : Medium.

Solution here. Password – TN


Puzzle No. 55

Puzzle No. 48 : Tapa-LITS

Another Tapa Variation I thought of while trying to stay awake in college. Hope its good.

Rules for LITS.

Rules for Tapa.

Join them both together. Travel across the regions with LITS Tetrominos and use the Tapa clues along the way. The Clue cells cannot be shaded. As said in the Tapa Mosaic in the previous puzzle, “=” sign means the number of “=”s in the clue cell are the same digit repeating that many times. E.g. “2-=-=” clue has to be “2-1-1” and “=-=” in the corner has to be “1-1” and so on.

Rated : Medium?

Solution here. Password – TL


Puzzle No. 48

Puzzle No. 35, 36 : Tapa Variations!

I might be out the entire day tomorrow, so just in case 🙂

Anyway, was just playing around with these as the TVCs are coming up.  If they’re rubbish, then I sincerely apologize for wasting your time. 😉

Puzzle 35 –

Anglers Tapa –

Using the Angler clues on the outside, draw paths to the fishes, these paths must be part of a connected Tapa wall, using Tapa clues inside the grid. The fish are part of the cell count for Angler clues, but not part of the Tapa wall. The wall cannot cross cells other than the Angler paths.

Example  –









The puzzle (Rated Medium) : Solution here. Password – ANT

Puzzle No. 35












Puzzle 36 –

Akari Tapa – Using the Tapa clues construct a Tapa wall. In addition, using the Akari clues, light up all the white cells. The Tapa wall blocks the illumination path of the lights. Tapa clue cells are considered as white cells, but cannot have lights in them.

Rated easy.  Solution here. Password – AKT

Puzzle No. 36

Puzzle No. 27 : Tapa-Slalom hybrid

I’m gonna bore you now with an interesting story. I was chatting today with Deb Mohanty, and asked him to pick a number 1,2,3. 1 was a nothing-fancy-Slitherlink, 2 was some variation, 3 was this. He picked 3 and then I told him that it was for the puzzle to post here today. He then moved to another topic and asked me if I have any Tapa ideas. I found this funny, decided not to tell him and let him see for himself 😛 Although, like I told him, I don’t remember which variations have already been done, so I don’t know if this one already exists. Ah well, story done, on to the puzzle.

This is a TapaSlalom hybrid. The non-gate and non-circled numbers are Tapa clues which guide you to form a Tapa wall which also follows the rules of a closed Slalom loop, moving through the gates in order.  Therefore there cannot be bits of the wall that are not strictly part of the loop, the loop can touch itself diagonally.

Here’s an example and its only solution to better illustrate this(well, either 4 can be a “?” and still have the same solution) :








Rated : Easy I think. Solution here. Password – TS.


Puzzle No. 27