Puzzle No. 401 : Diamond Fort Sudoku [Daily League]

There’s many many competitions coming, but I’ll get to that tomorrow in a more casual post. In the meantime, did you check out Puzzle No. 399? 😛

Today’s Sudoku is an idea I came up with 5 days ago. I’d probably have called it Diamond Sudoku, except that that’s taken. In the end, after many good suggestions from friends, I decided there isn’t really a better name to describe things than this. This one can be a little tricky to get used to, as is the case with any new rule-set.

Also, Remember that you can solve the puzzles from the League online on the Sudokucup Guest League page with a 24h delay.

Rules – Follow regular Sudoku rules. Additionally, the digits on a diamond are each greater than the digit in the middle of the diamond. Also, sum of it’s horizontal digits must be equal to the sum of it’s vertical digits.


