Puzzle No. 179 : Bosnian Road/Masyu

I created this while I was waiting for a chat reply on facebook O.o and I messed up the dimensions in the process of putting it from my brain to my notebook. After making it, it seemed a waste not to put it up anyway, so here it is. Enjoy it like you would enjoy any conventional puzzles or it’ll feel left out and sue you for dimensional discrimination.

Rules for Bosnian Road – Draw a continuous snake-like loop of one-cell width, that does not touch itself, even diagonally. It does not go through clue cells. The clues indicate how many of the 8(or less for edges and corners) cells around the clue cell the loop passes through. This does not necessarily imply that all these cells have to be passed through at once, they can be broken up too(I guess you can think of them as Minesweeper-like clues).

Additionally, there are black and white circles that determine the turns of the loop using Masyu rules.

Rated : Easy-ish.


Puzzle No. 179


Puzzle No. 178 : Masyu [Yajisan Kazusan type something]

Update : Slight uniqueness issue fixed. Thanks to Liu Bobby for pointing it out, and apologies for the issue.

This took me quite a long time to get working, and has turned out to have more logical workouts than I thought would be the case when I started upon it.


Follow Masyu rules. Not all circles need to be visited by the loop. For the circles not visited by the loop, the number in them gives the number of cells visited by the loop in that direction. For the circles visited by the loop, the converse rule applies and the number is a liar, i.e. the number of cells visited by the loop in that direction cannot be that number.

Rated : Hard.


Puzzle No. 178


Puzzle No. 177 : Tapa [Diagonal neighbors]

Name’s a bit week.

Anyway, Follow Tapa rules.

Additionally, every shaded cell must have at least one diagonally adjacent shaded cell.

Bit of a pain to check the solution for this, but got there in the end. Also messed up the layout, and believe it or not, realized this only when I uploaded it 😐

Rated : Medium.


Puzzle No. 177


Puzzle No. 176 : Yajilin/Nurikabe something

I’m shocked I was able to make something today. Its a bit too much to expect me to think of a name too. Bah. Anyway,

Rules for below puzzle – The numbers specify the size of islands that contain them. These islands cannot touch other islands horizontally or vertically. The remaining cells must all be connected to form a single closed loop that passes through each empty cell once. Just to clarify, there is no 2×2 rule here unlike Nurikabe, and the loop can pass through 2×2 groups of cells too.

Rated : Probable medium for a first time.


Puzzle No. 176


Puzzle No. 175 : Bosnian Road [Double Back]

Sorry about the lack of puzzle for a day. I guess the busy year just never stops piling up on me. I’ll keep trying my very best though 😛

Today’s puzzle is a variation using 2 puzzles I’ve never created before, and not solved much of either, so I don’t really know how good it is O.o But I’ll carry on with the post as if I know my stuff anyway..

I got introduced to the Bosnian Road puzzle type by Murat Can Tonta. He thinks its a glorified slitherlink(in a good way though). I think its a fun puzzle anyway, with a bit more possibilities. I’m still in that weird mode where I just want to do hybrids and variations. So I did a variation inspired by Palmer’s Double Back without the need for all cells to be visited of course, and I’ll save the colors for when I make a standalone Double Back 😛

Rules for Bosnian Road –  Draw a continuous snake-like loop of one-cell width, that does not touch itself, even diagonally. The clues indicate how many of the 8(or less for edges and corners) cells around the clue cell the loop passes through. This does not necessarily imply that all these cells have to be passed through at once, they can be broken up too(I guess you can think of them as  Minesweeper-like clues).

Additionally, the loop must visit every thickly outlined region exactly twice.

Rated : Medium.


Puzzle No. 175

Puzzle No. 174 : Nurikabe [Curve Data]

Hah. Wacky hybrid. What else did you expect? 😛 Lets see.. I created this on a whim, the alternative being you wouldn’t have had a puzzle for today.

Seven Samurais is drawing to a close at LMI, and I’ve continued my incredibly poor run. Not even going into details, but yea, its just getting worse and worse. I’ll just have to believe in “gotta make something worse before it becomes good” thingy and keep trying I guess.

For today’s puzzle, you will require the rules of Curve Data  which is taken from Ko Okamoto(xevs)’s LMI test No Numbers.

Curve Data rules – Make some figures by drawing lines through the center of cells so that each figure goes through just one clue. All cells are visited by lines. A clue shows how the line passing through it turns and connects with itself, without any rotation or reflection. However, the clue does not specify length of each straight segment of the line in any way.

Rules for Nurikabe. Follow these rules, with the stream part being determined using curve data rules, except of course the part where all cells are visited by lines, since the islands will obviously take up their share. The 2×2 rule of Nurikabe still stands. The red parts indicate that that cell is part of that segment or joint of the clue.

Rated : Hard because of unfamiliarity and a bit of requirement of instinct.


Puzzle No. 174



Puzzle No. 172 : Tapa [Skyscrapers]

Rules for Tapa.

Additionally, numbers outside the grid show the number of separate wall segments visible in that direction. A segment of length n, is taken as a skyscraper of height n. Skyscrapers of length n can block visibility of other skyscrapers of length n and below.

I’m not overly happy with how this turned out, but I still like the start-up.  Had to change a great ending because of a slight contradiction, and ended up with this. Should be good for a first time variant anyway.

Rated : Easy.


Puzzle No. 172


By Prasanna Seshadri Posted in Easy, Tapa