Update – Parallel Universe II – Inversion Invasion

So just a quick update for those of you who haven’t seen it yet – My second contest in two weeks at Logic Masters India. Last weekend it was Parallel Universe, the Sudoku Contest. This weekend its Parallel Universe II – Inversion Invasion, the Puzzle Contest. You can participate anytime within the next 40 hours (ends at 4/29/2014 5:29:59 AM local time | 4/28/2014 11:59:59 PM GMT).

Btw, the other Universe’s Prasanna prepared some PracticeFromTheirPSv1 (These are the same as the ones on LMI). He told me they are prepared in a rush so he didn’t have time to work up almost-symmetry in a lot of them. Even so, I think they’re good for practice of the newer types.

Puzzle No. 494 : Inner Tripods Sudoku [Daily League] [Invasion]

Greetings from another universe! After the Prasanna from your universe wrote a contest for LMI based on a few variants from our universe, the Inter-Dimension Puzzle Wizard notified me of the same. I decided to launch a translation of your wacky variants and a clarification of what you call our normal variants, for the people of my universe who might want to solve these Sudokus. The Prasanna from your universe was kind enough to include this as a separate “TheirUniverse” PDF.

That gave me an idea that I should probably write a Sudoku for something, featuring another one of our variants that has the same name as one of yours. Me and the Prasanna of your universe went through the list of variants in my universe, and he liked our version of Tripod (Again, your version is so wacky, but interesting), so I wrote a Tripod that we decided to use for the Daily League!

Your universe’ Prasanna got a chuckle out of this fact, but in our universe, “almost” symmetric puzzles are considered as having better aesthetics than fully symmetric puzzles. Maybe someone is interested in this fact, and in the Sudoku I wrote.

Remember that you can solve the puzzles from the League online on the Sudokucup Guest League page with a 24h delay.

Rules – Rules for Sudoku. Additionally, in the grid there are “tri-pods” with a “seat” and 3 “legs”. The seat, and the “feet” of the legs are denoted by dots. The “seat” of a tripod must have a digit thats greater than each of the “feet” but the sum of the “feet” must be greater than the “seat”. Digits can repeat in a Tripod.




Puzzle No. 493 : Maxi Loop + LMI Patreon Update

Hello, dearest readers! Its… been a while. Sorry about that. I feel I’ll have more time for this place come May. For now, I’d like to draw your attention to the fact that Logic Masters India has started its own Patronage system. Please check out our page on Patreon and on LMI itself. The Puzzle pack rewards are currently all written by me, but future ones will definitely have other Indian authors involved too. If you like the hosting features LMI has to offer and/or find the rewards enticing enough, please consider supporting us. I’ve taken up a few things on behalf of LMI here in India, all towards making our group more recognized in the country. Funding certainly helps this.

Anyway, I feel a little bad that I’m only making a blog post when I want to promote something, so here’s a Maxi Loop puzzle to go along with it. I hope you enjoy it!

Rules for Maxi Loop.

Rated – Easy with a slight pause.


