Puzzle No. 435 : Slot Machine Sudoku [Daily League]

Firstly, PDFs!

Week 32.

Week 33.

Week 34.

Remember that you can solve the puzzles from the League online on the Sudokucup Guest League page with a 24h delay.

Ook, now I realize that I didn’t post a puzzle on Sunday. This is because, I took a mini-break from, well, everything, over the weekend. As a result, I think I’ll post 2 on Thursday.

Today’s Sudoku, may be tough for someone new to the variant. The start is something thats rarely used in the variant, which in itself is rare I suppose.

Rules – Follow regular Sudoku rules. Additionally, the three shaded columns are like a slot machine. The 9 numbers they contain will be in exactly the same order/sequence. (The strips wrap around the grid for the ordering)

Rated – Hard.


