Puzzle No. 31 : Yajilin

Firstly, I’ll hopefully be putting up all the pending solutions tomorrow, for anyone who’s been waiting.

Been struggling with a headache all day, I’m still not really sure how I managed to make this, I can barely keep my eyes open! Anyway..

Rules for Yajilin.

Rated : Medium I suppose. Solution here. Password – XY.


Puzzle No. 31

Puzzle No. 30 : Graffiti Snake

Edit : Swaroop Guggilam has showed me that this one has an easier break-in than the one I intended. So, just in case you didn’t enjoy the one I intended, I’ve changed a few clues and added the difficult version.

When I posted my first Graffiti Snake, it was as a practice puzzle for the LMI Puzzle Marathon. While it was nowhere near the absolute beauty contributed by Serkan to the test, it was still quite a popular day for my blog apparently. Now whether thats because I’m actually good at creating these, or because it was practice, or both is something I wanna judge for myself, so I’ve waited for the test to get over and made another one, slightly smaller in size. I’ve also put in a different kind of break-in to the last one.

Btw, Puzzle Marathon is now over, and the results can be seen here.

Anyway, Rules for Graffiti Snake :

Paint some cells black to form a wall. The numbers outside the grid indicate the number of blackened cells in the corresponding direction, in order, as in a Paint by Number puzzle. If there is more than one blackened block in a row or column there has to be a white cell between the blocks. Additionally, a snake must pass through all the remaining white cells, moving horizontally and vertically and not touching itself, not even diagonally. The head and tail of the snake are given as the grey circles.

Rated : Hard, simply because a few people were clueless on how to start the last one for quite a while.

Solution here. Password – GS2.


Puzzle No. 30

By Prasanna Seshadri Posted in Hard, Snake

Puzzle No. 28 : Slitherlink

Well, I’m just about gonna get this in before midnight! 🙂 Very very busy day, had a screening to go too as well, unfortunately United lost. Ahh well, one of those days.

Anyway, a common reaction I hear from my friends is, “I have no clue about most of these” . So here’s a nothing-fancy slitherlink. You should have a clue about these, they come in the newspaper(lot easier than this one though I suppose!).

Rules of Slitherlink.

Rated : Medium in general but hard for the above mentioned not-that-much-into-puzzling-friends. 😛

Solution here. Password – DS


Puzzle No. 28

Puzzle No. 27 : Tapa-Slalom hybrid

I’m gonna bore you now with an interesting story. I was chatting today with Deb Mohanty, and asked him to pick a number 1,2,3. 1 was a nothing-fancy-Slitherlink, 2 was some variation, 3 was this. He picked 3 and then I told him that it was for the puzzle to post here today. He then moved to another topic and asked me if I have any Tapa ideas. I found this funny, decided not to tell him and let him see for himself 😛 Although, like I told him, I don’t remember which variations have already been done, so I don’t know if this one already exists. Ah well, story done, on to the puzzle.

This is a TapaSlalom hybrid. The non-gate and non-circled numbers are Tapa clues which guide you to form a Tapa wall which also follows the rules of a closed Slalom loop, moving through the gates in order.  Therefore there cannot be bits of the wall that are not strictly part of the loop, the loop can touch itself diagonally.

Here’s an example and its only solution to better illustrate this(well, either 4 can be a “?” and still have the same solution) :








Rated : Easy I think. Solution here. Password – TS.


Puzzle No. 27