Puzzle No. 509: Triomino Sudoku [Daily League]

I’ve got wayyy too much to do these days, so I’ve pretty much stopped any regularity on this blog. I might make the rare post though, like this one. I was a little bored of work and had some time so quickly explored this variant that’s part of the Indian Sudoku Championship which will be held online on LMI in about 13.5 hours. This one is pretty difficult (as are all variants I randomly and quickly post here when bored), but has some nice steps to get started.

Remember that you can solve the puzzles from the League online on the Sudokucup Guest League page with a 24h delay (though I’m not yet sure if this one can be supported there, but take a leap of faith, maybe it will be!).

Rules – Place a digit from 1 to 6 into each empty cell or blacken the cell so that each digit appears exactly once in every row, column, and outlined 3×3 region along with three black(shaded) cells. Each black(shaded) cell should be part of an orthogonally connected group of three blackened(shaded) cells (a triomino). No two triominoes can share an edge.


