Puzzle No. 504: Search 9 Sudoku [Daily League]

I’m back to the league this week and I hope that I’ll be back regularly now. Anyway, Search 9 Sudoku for today.

Remember that you can solve the puzzles from the League online on the Sudokucup Guest League page with a 24h delay.

Rules – Follow regular Sudoku rules. Additionally, each arrow points to the 9 in the respective row or column. The number in the cell with the arrow is the distance from the cell to the 9 in this row or column.




Puzzle No. 482 : Search 9 Sudoku [Daily League]

Another one from the Czech set I mentioned maybe 2 Daily League posts ago. I’m in a slight hurry, so I’ll post PDFs next week.

Remember that you can solve the puzzles from the League online on the Sudokucup Guest League page with a 24h delay.

Rules – Follow regular Sudoku rules. Additionally, each arrow points to the 9 in the respective row or column. The number in the cell with the arrow is the distance from the cell to the 9 in this row or column.




Puzzle No. 409 : Point-to-Next or Search-9 Sudoku [Daily League]

Firstly, PDF!

Week 23.

Also, IPC Practice puzzles will be posted on this and another blog shortly, hopefully by tonight, but latest by tomorrow.

Not much to say about this hybrid, except that it might be a bit tricky. Note the part in bold.

Rules –

Follow Sudoku rules. Additionally, each clue will describe exactly one of these two behaviors.

1. If digit ‘n’ is placed in a cell with arrow, digit ‘n+1′ must be placed in one of the cells pointed by the arrow.

2. The arrow points at the 9 in that row or column and the number in the cell with the arrow is the distance from the cell to the 9.

Both restrictions cannot apply for the same arrow.




Puzzle No. 314 : Search 9 Sudoku [Daily League]

Daily League update :

Greater than Killer on Wednesday by Bastien.

Anti Knight Nonconsecutive on Thursday by Rishi.

Classic on Friday by Tom.

Quad Second on Saturday by Bram.

Magic Summer on Sunday by Kwaka.

Arrow by Fred yesterday.

And mine today below.

Also, week 7 PDF. Also, there were 2 fixes in last week’s pdf that I shared before the Zeka set post, so I’ve updated the link there.  (Particularly, the fixes were on the Odd Toroidal and the V-Day Sudokus).

Also, the daily league sudokus can now be solved on an online interface on the Sudokucup site one day later than they’re shared on our respective blogs. Thanks to Karel Tesař for setting this up. Its helped me out as well, as I’ve been particularly busy in the last few days.

Today’s sudoku is Search 9. The rules of this are the same version as the one contributed by Richard Stolk to the 3rd WPF Sudoku Grand Prix. I’m not extremely certain of its difficulty, but its certainly not easy.

Rules – Follow regular Sudoku rules. Additionally, each arrow points to the 9 in the respective row or column. The number in the cell with the arrow is the distance from the cell to the 9 in this row or column.

