Some solving steps for Puzzle 499, a bit about LMI, and some other stuff

I am attaching a mini-walkthrough PDF for the Arrow Sudoku I posted for the league recently. Its a bit rushed, and only takes the solve through the more difficult deductions, but should be really helpful if you were stuck on that Arrow Sudoku or didn’t attempt it but want to know more about the variant in general. Here’s the PDF –


Now, a bit of a plug. Want more walkthroughs? We do much more detailed ones for LMI patrons. Also, I should say that, at least currently, supporting LMI would mean you are supporting my personal goals too (which is why I don’t have any such effort for this blog).

Also, I might have to disappoint any fans of milestone puzzles by saying that I currently don’t have anything planned. But you never know right? Maybe I think of something worthwhile in the next few days. If I don’t, then come Saturday I’ll just post a League Sudoku as my 500th and that’ll be that.

Soon I’ll be shifting residence, so I’m generally a bit more busy since I want to finish a bunch of things before I probably lose internet access for a week or two.

Puzzle No. 499 – Arrow Sudoku [Daily League]

This puzzle has a nice application of group-thinking… I think. The solving path is also pretty narrow. Not something I’d advise for beginners.

Remember that you can solve the puzzles from the League online on the Sudokucup Guest League page with a 24h delay.

Rules – Follow regular Sudoku rules. Additionally, the number in a circle is the sum of the digits which are covered by its arrow. For circles with multiple arrows, apply the rule for each arrow separately.

Rated – Hard.


