Puzzle No. 293 : Transparent Tapa

Daily League Update –

Fortress Sudoku by Bastien.

Week 5 PDF.

For puzzle below,

Rules – All classic Tapa rules apply, except that even the clue cells can(not a necessity) be part of the Tapa wall. e.g. a “5″ clue can make a “X” shaped pentomino across the 9 cells it is in the middle of, but not a “P” shaped one.

Rated – Medium.




Puzzle No. 198 : Transparent Tapa [Formerly Tapa Mosaic]

The last 4 times I’ve uploaded these, they were under the name “Tapa Mosaic“. Then Serkan told me that name’s already in use. So I’ve changed it to Transparent, or conceptually transparent clues Tapa. I hope thats fine, and not in use as well 😛 If it is, I shall rename it Controversial Tapa. I promise.

Anyway, naming crisis aside, this is one of 3 puzzles I’d sent over to the UKPA for the UK Puzzle Championship(which is open to participants from all countries, and should be a quality contest). As it was the first time I’d contributed for a National Championship, I really didn’t have a good idea of the difficulty required, and that showed. So, out of the 3 I sent, only the Regional Yajilin (under the name Heyajilin) got selected. I see no point in keeping the others lying around, and as I am again short on time with all the visa troubles, I thought I’ll while away 2 days with these.

Rules for the newly named Transparent Tapa – All classic Tapa rules apply, except that even the clue cells can(not a necessity) be part of the Tapa wall. e.g. a “5″ clue can make a “X” shaped pentomino across the 9 cells it is in the middle of, but not a “P” shaped one. The “?” clue means the clue can be any non-zero digit and will be determined during the solve.

Rated : Hard.


Puzzle No. 198

Puzzle No. 84 : Tapa Mosaic

Today’s been an incredibly lazy day. Well, brain wise anyway. My mind’s just not into anything right now. Also, ever since my good enough 28 second solve on my birthday, I seem to have hit a rut in the CTC. Heh, well, ups and downs and all that right? Anyway, I still forced this one out, and I now have Tottenham Hotspurs vs Manchester United to look forward to. Yay!

Rules for Tapa Mosaic. (Sorry to just redirect you to a previous one, I’m just that lazy).

Rated : Medium.

Solution here. Password – NC


Puzzle No. 84

Puzzle No. 62-82 : My birthday puzzles!

Because, even though I’m gonna be stuck in college on my birthday, doesn’t mean all of you shouldn’t enjoy yourselves. The regular readers of this blog will know, I’ve been struggling to even put up a single puzzle on most days. So in preparing this, obviously most would be easy, and some of them may even fall under the category of “Evil Zingers”. However, I do think quite a few of them are fun, and the last one is probably one of my best. Heh, anyway, you decide.

This set features my first attempt at a Liar Loop, and a non-variant Slalom. 🙂

Birthday Puzzles

Birthday Puzzles Solutions

That should do for today’s puzzle post I suppose. Enjoy!

Update : Apparently the PDF is crashing for some people. The error is for some reason that it requires a Japanese Fonts plug in. For what its worth, I downloaded the same and its completely fine. But of course, you may want an alternative, so I’m uploading just the PNG formats of all puzzles in the rar file, with a txt file for the rules and descriptions. The solutions PDF is fine I suppose.


Hope that fixes any issues. 🙂

Puzzle No. 47 : Tapa Mosaic

Update : Error fixed. Apologies.

I’ve decided on the name. Yay! Credit to Bram De Laat for the name, after my sorry effort in Puzzle 39, which I’ve now brilliantly changed as well.  Ta-da!

Rules : ALL classic Tapa rules apply, except that even the clue cells can(not a necessity) be part of the Tapa wall. e.g. a “5″ clue can make a “X” shaped pentomino across the 9 cells it is in the middle of, but not a “P” shaped one. Also, the “=” sign means all the clue digits of that cell are equal. e.g. a clue cell with 3 “=”s has to be “1-1-1”. 

Rated : Medium?

Solution here. Password – TM


Puzzle No. 47

Puzzle No. 39 : Tapa Mosaic

After the solve, I’d much appreciate any feedback regarding

a. Obviously, whether this was a fun solve.

(Assuming a is yes, go on)

b. Whether it’d be better off to color the ones in the Tapa wall say black at the start itself rather than leaving the solver to determine which is which(pros and cons either way).

c. Assuming you actually took time for a and b, I really need help here – A better name for this variation!


Rules – ALL classic Tapa rules apply, except that even the clue cells can(not a necessity) be part of the Tapa wall.  e.g. a “5” clue can make a “X” shaped pentomino across the 9 cells it is in the middle of, but not a “P” shaped one. So as you can make out, the clues are now for all 9 cells instead of just the 8 around. Any doubts/suggestions welcome.

Rated : Hard, simply due to unfamiliarity.

Solution here. Password – LA.


Puzzle No. 39